Do-It-Yourself System

Expandet diamond provides a great overview, that should make it easy for cusomers to find the right product for the intented material. If e.g. the fixing is needed in plasterboards and ceilings, simply find the color group that signify this product solution.

Do-it-yourself bags follow our general color coding to product solutions. Therefore, it is possible at first glance to see, the intended use of the content.
If you want more on the attachment or see what other options Expandet offers, there is plenty of inspiration to be found in our Blue Book. Download Expandet’s Little Blue Book (in danish) providing information about our products, resistances and assembly instructions, etc.

There are useful information on the bags, regarding selection of screws, drill and there are even assembly instructions. The front of the bag has a reference number, which matches our Do-It-yourself poster. When the product is found on the Do-It-yourself poster, you only need to remember the reference no. and find the product.